A sincere "Welcome" to my web site! Last updated 24.01.2014. First of all, my gratitude to Simon Brown for graciously hosting it on his server! A short C.V.: Born 1944 in a war-shattered suburb of Hamburg, in a bunker during an air raid, during my first years I was raised by my late grandma, her soul be blessed as I owe her my survival in a dreadful time. Later I attended the rather old-fashioned high school "Christianeum" (incl. Latin and ancient Greek) which I terminated with appropriate graduation in 1964. I then voluntarily enlisted as cadet in the "Bundeswehr" (Federal German Army) Signal Corps. Specialty instruction was on wireless (cw and rtty), later also special systems. I was commissioned 1966, continuing later as reserve officer of the Army Signals. It was in summer 1964 that I sent my first - slow - CW signs into the air, using the then standard GRC-9 transmitter set which was putting out some 10W. This "radio bug" has accompanied me for nearly half a century now... Thankfully I em blessed with an understanding family who have learned to live with a "sparks" and his hobby! I married my dear wife in Lisbon/Portugal in 1969; working in that lovely country mainly in shipping and aviation business, both in Lisbon and Oporto. She offered me two lovely daughters who are married now and mothers themselves. Sofar, they gave us 3 lovely grandsons. I held the Class 1 call CT1AJW. In 1984 we came to Hamburg where I continued in merchant marine business and trading until early retiring in 2000, preferring to live my remaining life for family, my hobbies and other likes. We moved to a small town bordering Hamburg, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein which is having a common border with the Kingdom of Denmark. This territory during abt. 400 years until 1865 was part of Denmark itself, when Prussia annexed it after faring war against the King of Denmark. Norderstedt was created in 1978 by agglomeration of several rural villages, now having some 72.000 inhabitants. My hobbies are - of course - radio and electronics, preferring CW and digital modes, not being fond of the mike any more, ragchews to friends excepted; also, my other interests are photography and microscopy, European history and genealogical research as due to war and postwar events I lost trace of part of my roots. I hold degrees in Laws and History, and a M.E.C. (Master of Electronic Communication). As far as I know, I have only very few relatives in Germany; the majority live in the USA, descendants from my gr-gr-grandfather who with some of his children emigrated in 1875, unwilling to serve in the Prussian Army after the aforementioned annexation, and who later became one of the "Pioneers of Nebraska" where he was buried in 1919. These relatives live in Oregon, Nebraska, Illinois, Colorado, NY State and elsewhere. My wife's family lives in Portugal and Brazil. My Gr-grandma also emigrated but to Argentina where she spent a quarter of a century, returning with 7 children and an ill husband; she passed away with 94 y.o.a. when I was 10 years of age; she taught me my first simple vocabulary in Spanish, thus laying the basis for my later deep sympathy with the Greco-Romanic and Ibero-American countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to building restrictions and also lack of space - we live in a terraced house - I can not use any beams for shortwave; after many trials I ended up with a 9 m vertical, made of stock aluminium tubing from the local hardware dealer, telescopically fiting; this vertical is mounted on our steel balcony rail on first floor. It has 3 radials, too. It is matched with a Palstar AT2K ATU. The best performance is on 30m, as intended, but can be used with effriciency reduction on all but 80/160m bands. My transceivers are: FT2000, FT950, FT897, FT857, FT817 and Kx1. I am interested in working all possible digital modes, as far as contained in FLdigi, MMVARI, HRD-DM780, MixW, and WSJT. When in QSO, you may ask me to change mode, as you may like to work. I shall be pleased to do so, conditions permitting. Usually I work "barefoot", i.e. about 30-40W in digimodes, and 100 W in CW, however, I am also on air in CW as /QRP with FT817 and KX-1, also as /P weather permitting. I got an ACOM1010 which is used very rarely. SSB, AM and FM do not belong to my preferences; I am not on air in these modes, with very rare exceptions. -------------- I am member of following ham clubs:
------------------------------------------------------ I hold a great number of activity awards from various groups and associations. Summarized statistics of my activities are found under the header DXCC. ------------------------------------------------------ Please do not send cards via the bureau as from 1.1.2015. I do not collect cards. I am a gold member (AG) of eQSL.cc. The card designs are varying according to my mood ... My eQSL log of CT1AJW until 1984 has been uploaded in full to eQSL.cc. Those of you who did not receive a paper QSL - although all have been sent via the CT1-bureau - may contact me for another copy as I shall gladly send you a 2nd one free of charge. My eQSL log of DL6XAZ is up-to-date. It is uploaded in regular short intervals. I do not intend to file for Lotw membership. my eQSL profile is found at : http://www.eQSL.cc/Member.cfm?DL6XAZ I reply to all QSL's I receive whether via eqsl or direct - no SASE or money required. I don't need your sponsoring this hobby of mine!I figure if you're taking the trouble to send me a card, the least I can do is return the favour, and I do so within a few days after receipt. The above applies to SWL cards in the same way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best 73's and CU on the bands Fred ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to contact me, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal stuff: This site contains links to third party Websites where relevant, but I accept no responsibility for the content on any site to which a hypertext link exists and listing should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. For German readers if at all they wish to read that legal bummfff:: Wichtiger Hinweis zu allen Links auf dieser Homepage: Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung fuer Links" hat das Landgericht(LG) Hamburg entschieden, daß man durch die Anbringung eines Links, die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann -so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdruecklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller gelinkten Seiten auf meiner Homepage. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf meiner Homepage angebrachten Links. Wen das Urteil interessiert kann es nachlesen unter: http://www.online-recht.de responsible for this website: Fred Jenssen, Schinkelring 167, 22844 Norderstedt, Germany,