NB: I do not have any commercial relations to any of these sites who sell
articles or services, nor do I have interest in any of these sites; with
regards to the contents of these linked sites I consider myself as neutral, not
to be held responsible for any of those contents; the links are mentioned on
informative title only.
sorry ... Favourite web-pages:
Just have a look: http://dx-code.org/ OUTDOOR: Groups http://www.30mdg.net/ I am member of this 30m digital group, nr. 988. Please join, it's worth it!
QRP accessories: - QRPShop-International - rigs, accessories, infos - great site Digital Modes 1. http://www.mixw.net/ for MixW 2. http://www.qsl.net/zl1bpu/ for Fuzzy Modes 3. http://www.qsl.net/mmhamsoft for MMSSTV + MMTTY 4. Utility DXers Forum Digital Modes FAQ 5. DigTrx Digital File Transfer 6. Domino a mode similar to MFSK 7. www.30meterdigital.org digital QSOs on 30m 8. http://www.feldhellclub.org Hellschreiber varieties Services 1. http://www.qsl.net/lz1jz Printing of QSL cards 2. http://www.fallingrain.com/world/ Airport and country infos |